TSST(Telephone Standard Speaking Test)とは株式会社アルクが運営する、電話で15分で受験できる英語スピーキングテストです。
① 結論を述べる(ex.私は〇〇が好きです。)
② その理由を述べる(ex.過去に〇〇に行き、とても楽しい時を過ごした。)
③ 補足するエピソードやエビデンスを挙げる(ex.〇〇に行って〇〇と出会いました。)
④ (時間があれば)2と3を繰り返す
⑤ 最後に結論を述べる
①Many people go to the beach every summer. However, I’m not a person who like to go to the beach. Actually, I don’t even remember when I went to the beach last time. Many people go to the beach to swim or bask in the sun, but I don’t want to do such things.
②When I go to the beach, I’ll put on sunscreen all over my body in order not to get sunburned before living a car. I put on sunscreen every one hour because some studies say that efficacy of sunscreen continues only for one hour. I also wear a hat to prevent from getting sunburned.
③I don’t want to swim in the sea, so I just sit down, see the waves and listen to the sound of the waves. Some people may think that just sitting down on the beach is boring. However, I don’t think that way. Sounds of the waves are really good for me. They make me feel calm. I also feel winds comfortable. Smell of the sea is really good, too. It reminds me of my memories of my childhood.
④I feel like I want to go to the sea once in a while.
「海」 : the beach, the sea
「日光浴をする」 : bask in the sun
「日焼け止めを塗る」: put on sunscreen
「日焼けする」 : get sunburned
「効能」 : efficacy
「子供の頃の記憶」 : memory of one’s childhood
「たまには」 : once in a while
[…] 🔷 […]