TSST(Telephone Standard Speaking Test)とは株式会社アルクが運営する、電話で15分で受験できる英語スピーキングテストです。
① 結論を述べる(ex.AはBと比較して優れていると私は考えています。)
② その理由・根拠を述べる (ex.Aは〇〇という点でBよりも優れています。)
③ その根拠を掘り下げる(ex.例えば、〇〇という場面でAはBより優れています。)
③ (時間がある限り)②と③を繰り返す
④ 最後に結論を述べる
① 本日が期限であることを伝えて謝罪 | 「本日が期限であることを認識している」と伝え、謝罪 |
② 事情を説明 | なぜ返せないかの理由を説明 |
③どのように対応するのか説明 | いつまでに、どのようにしてお金を工面するか説明 |
①I am very sorry. I know today is due, but I don’t have money with me today.
②As you know, spread of Covid-19 has made a negative effect to the economy. It affects my business, too. It has changed my plan completely. As you know, I opened my new restaurant on January of this year. The number of customers had increased significantly until the beginning of March. You came to my restaurant and saw that, right? I couldn’t open my restaurant at all from the latter half of March to August because there were almost no people around the town. I didn’t have choice to do that. It is beyond our expectation.
③I am going straight to the point, I want you to extend the deadline. Even if I return you money, the amount of money I have is less than half of the money you lent to me. If I give all of this money to you, I am definitely going to go bankrupt. You can’t get back more than half of the money you lent to me. If you extend the deadline, I promise to return all the money. The choice is yours.
「締め切り」 : due, deadleine
「そうするしかなかった」: I didn’t have choice to do that.
「結論から言いますと」 : I am going straight to the point, To go straight to the bottom line,
To get straight to the point
[…] 🔷 […]
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