TSST(Telephone Standard Speaking Test)とは株式会社アルクが運営する、電話で15分で受験できる英語スピーキングテストです。
① 何について話すかを述べる(ex.〇〇について説明します。)
② 目的を述べる(勝ち負けの基準) (ex.多く点を取った方が勝ち。)
③ 選手の人数(ex.1チーム11名で試合をする。)
③ どうやったら勝ちか
④ 最後に結論を述べる
①Today I’m going to talk about my favorite sports; soccer. Soccer is one of the most popular sports in the world. There are many leagues in the world such as Spain League, Premier League, Seria A and so on.
②I watch some matches every weekend, but there are so many matches around the world that it is almost impossible to catch up with all the leagues. I interested in Spain League and J League.
③Spain Leagues is one of the highest level leagues in the world. Many popular soccer players gather to Spain and play soccer in this league. I watched a game at a stadium in Spain once when I visited Spain three years ago. The environment of the stadium was great. I don’t know how to explain, but most of the spectators understood a lot about soccer and they knew how to watch soccer well. Supporters gave round of applause for good plays even if their opponent team’s players played well. I felt they loved not only their team but also soccer itself.
④I also watch J League’s matches. I watch some matches on weekends. I didn’t have a chance to watch a game at a stadium this year, but I went to stadiums and watched some matches last year.
⑤I’m looking forward to go and watch the matches at a stadium some day.
「ついていく」 : catch up with, keep up with
「観客(球場などの)」 : spectator
「〜に拍手喝采を与える」 : give round of applause for

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