TSST(Telephone Standard Speaking Test)とは株式会社アルクが運営する、電話で15分で受験できる英語スピーキングテストです。
① 結論を述べる(ex.私は〇〇の仕事をしています。)
② 具体的な内容(場所、内容)を説明する(ex.〇〇の事務所で働いている)
③ (時間があれば)②を掘り下げる
④ 結論として感想や意気込みなどを述べる
①It is not too much to say that we can’t do our job without Internet. I work for a real estate company and I use Internet all time during my working hours.
②First of all, I send email to my clients every day. If I can’t use email, I can call to my clients and tell. However, I can’t to send attached files. So I have to send them to my client by post. If they need them immediately, I may have to delivery them directly to their office. It takes a lot of time and I don’t have enough time to deal with all of my clients’ offers.
③Secondly, it is really inconvenient to manage our clients’ information and property information. We have vast amount of information so that we can’t to keep them without our cloud system.
④For these reasons, I think that Internet is a vital thing for my job.
「〜と言っても過言はない」: It is not too much to say that 〜
「不動産会社」 : real estate company
「郵送する」 : send by post (mail)
「届ける」 : delivery
「対応する」 : deal with
「管理する」 : manage vast amount of information
「大量の情報」 : vast amount of information
「欠かせない」 : vital, indispensable

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